huagongkeji 发表于 2023-7-31 13:13:46


I’ve lived in my condo for 15 years now—long enough that I don’t even see it anymore. I started dreaming about moving into a house, where I was bound to be happier. 我在我的公寓住了15年,时间太长了,我都甚至都没有好好看看它。我开始梦想着能够搬进独栋的房子,那样的话我应该会更加开心。 I fixated on little yellow houses somewhere in the suburbs of Chicago and watched for them from the train on my commute. “Oh, look—there’s one!” I’d say as it slid by. 在来回上班的火车上,芝加哥城郊的黄色房子吸引了我的注意。“看,这有一个!”这个房子在视线一晃而过的时候,我说道。 Then one day, sitting in the sun on my patio, I looked up and realized the outside of my condo was done in yellow siding. I already had a yellow house. And I was home! 之后的某一天,我在自家的露台上晒太阳,抬头看发现公寓外墙漆成了黄色。原来我已经有了黄色的房子,而且我还在家(真是后知后觉)!

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huagongkeji 发表于 2023-7-31 13:14:05

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